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Friday, May 24, 2013


Top 6 Vegetarian-Promoting Videos

30 Days. Season 3 episode 3. “Animal Rights"

This is my most recent discovery (as in this morning). I was breezing through Netflix and came upon the series 30 Days. It’s always intrigued me how Morgan Spurlock and the creators of the reality TV show think up the most contrasting situations to place people in. And, despite being “reality TV”, this show contains less drama and more factual information. I’m impressed. The episode on animal rights traces a North Carolina hunters journey as he moves in with a family of vegans and animal rights activists. This episode is semi-funny, semi-sad, and in general, really heart warming.

Food Inc.

This is an informative documentary that takes a look inside of the American agriculture and food business. Disclaimer: it can be dramatic and may make you vomit at parts, but hey, isn’t that the point? It’s factual and is very persuasive. A must-see!

Super Size Me

This was the first food documentary I saw (when I was in the fourth grade) and from that day onward, I stopped eating McDonald's. Not kidding! Super Size Me not only has a catchy theme song, it’s extremely graphic and disgusting. The sad part is that it’s true! Watch this documentary if you’re curious about the effect of fast food on a person’s physical and psychological well-being.


This is a documentary that follows the lives of 3 different meat-loving people. One person they follow is an overweight college student and another is a single, working mother, for example. All three people are challenged to go vegan for 6 weeks while they learn about the American food industry. They actually watch Food Inc. This is informative and good for a laugh!

Forks over Knives

This is a documentary that reveals the unhealthy lives of Americans mainly because of their diet. Footage shows the many drugs that Americans are on to remain healthy that is costing them a fortune. One thesis of the movie is that a plant-based diet and exercise could cure people of their diseases. I agree completely and you should watch this documentary to learn about the problems facing our fellow Americans right here and right now. If you’re curious about the title of the documentary, you’ll notice on the cover of the documentary that there is a surgeons knife under a fork suggesting two possible solutions to diseases in America: medicine versus diet.

The Weight of the Nation

A four part HBO series, Weight of the Nation reveals facts and research about America’s obesity epidemic. Obesity is physical, psychological, and social. It then offers solutions and strategies to alleviate and fix the problem, like eating a more plant-based diet. This is a long series, so watch it when you have time. 

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